শ্রীশ্রীগুরু-গৌরাঙ্গৌ জয়তঃ

Śrī Śrī Guru-Gaurāṅgau Jayataḥ

Vinode Vaibhava Sarasvatī:

Vinode Vaibhava - Prabhupād Śrīla Sarasvatī Ṭhākura

Prabhupād Śrīla Sarasvatī Ṭhākura

  We worship Sri Sarasvati to obtain learning. Sarasvati is the presiding goddess of learning. Learning is of two types - supreme and inferior. That learning which gives knowledge of the transitory world is inferior. A place where there is unhappiness, suffering, old age and death is not desired by any of us, it is negligible. But, on the other hand, the learning which gives knowledge of the eternal world of Goloka-Vaikuntha and by the help of which we can go to such a place where all the bliss of loving devotion is present and where the eternally new fountain of bliss swells and arises, is called supreme learning (para-vidya). The word ‘para’ indicates the state of superiority. Those who serve para-vidya or pure Sarasvati do not want wealth, retinue, gain, adulation or fame, they only want service of Sarasvati - Godhead. Due to that Sri Sarasvati-Devi becomes more satisfied towards them than towards all the others. Even though the sincere servitors of pure Sarasvati are not desirous of anything for their own happiness, still they do not experience any scarcity in carrying out their livelihoods. It is the nature of motiveless service that despite the fact that the servitors are not desirous of happiness, peace or bliss, all of these things feel dignified to be spontaneously situated in the heart of such a servitor. Loving devotion to the lotus feet of the Embodiment of Blissful Pastimes, Sri Krishnachandra, is the life-breath of pure Sarasvati. The heart of Srila Sarasvati Thakura, whom we are discussing, is also constantly illuminated with the unblemished, Shinning radiance of loving devotion. Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura, who by eternal loving devotion (bhakti) makes arrangements for the bliss (vinode) of Sri Gaura-Krishna, the original Godhead and Entity of Non-Dualistic knowledge, has written -

"sarasvati krishnapriya, krishnabhakti tanra hiya,
vinodera sei se vaibhava."

[Sarasvati is the darling of Krishna, devotion to Krishna is her (his) heart, She (he) is the wealth of Vinode.]

  Therefore, in the form of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura’s vaibhava (wealth), we have Srila Sarasvati Thakura.

SOURCE: Excerpts from “Prabhupād Śrīla Sarasvatī Ṭhākura”
– A 1940 Book By Oṃ Viṣṇupād Śrīla Bhakti Kusum Śramaṇ Goswāmipād
